World’s Peaceful Countries: Nigeria ranked ahead of Turkey, Russia

Nigeria is a more peaceful country than both Turkey and Russia, a new ranking by Global Finance Magazine has revealed.

According to the live ranking titled, ‘World’s Most Peaceful Country 2023 Global Peace Index’, Nigeria appeared at position 144, three slots ahead of Turkey.

Russia on the other hand, appeared at position 158, more than 14 slots below Nigeria.

The ranking, which was compiled by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), covered over 163 independent states which have 99.7 per cent of the world’s

“The ranking, which is based on 23 indicators grouped into three criteria (societal safety and security; extent of ongoing domestic and international conflict; and degree of militarization), shows 84 countries recording improvement and 79 showing deterioration,” read the description in part.

The outlet further indicated that the financial impact of violence is $17.5 trillion in purchasing-power-parity (PPP) terms, or 12.9% of total global GDP.


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