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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Envoy condemns irregular migration as 164 Nigerians repatriated from Libya

Mohammed Mohammed, Nigeria’s Charge d’Affaires to Libya, has reiterated the Federal Government’s stance against irregular migration following the repatriation of 164 Nigerian migrants from Libya.

In a statement issued on Wednesday in Abuja, Mohammed warned against undertaking such perilous journeys. He made the remarks during an exercise coordinated by the Nigerian Embassy in Tripoli, in partnership with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and Libyan authorities.

The envoy explained that the returnees had been detained in Libyan detention centers for various offenses, including illegal entry, overstaying, and lacking proper documentation.

“They were advised to avoid irregular migrations through dangerous routes across the desert and the Mediterranean Sea,” he said.

The repatriated group included 38 men, 120 women, four children, and two infants. Mohammed highlighted that many of these unwholesome trips stemmed from false promises of a better life in Europe, often leading to exploitation.

The repatriation was part of the IOM’s Voluntary Humanitarian Repatriation programme, which aims to provide lifesaving, dignified, and expedited return to willing migrants. This exercise marks the 10th such operation by the Nigerian Embassy in Libya this year.

The Nigerian nationals arrived at Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos on Tuesday around 17:30 hours, having departed Libya aboard a chartered flight, No: UZ 189, earlier that day.

In a telephone interview, Mohammed urged Nigerians to be wary of unsolicited offers to undertake dangerous journeys without understanding the risks involved.

“Life may appear rosy on the other side, but as the saying goes, not all that glitters is gold. Do not listen to anyone promising you a job or a better life elsewhere by offering to take you to Europe across the desert or the Mediterranean Sea. Count the costs of such an adventure before falling for it; many lives have been wasted through such simple promises,” Mohammed advised.

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